Second parents ‘meeting under the project BG06-210 "Chance for Social Inclusion of Children in the Municipalities of Smyadovo and Vetrino"

Second parents ‘meeting took place in “Shastlivo detstvo” kindergarten, Belogradetz village, Vetrino Municipality on 18th of March 2015. Romani parents were invited and attended the meeting. During the meeting Roma mediators discussed the topic “Hygiene Habits for Kids” and “Healthy eating”. Health topic was discussed as well by parents, teachers, mediators and members of the management team of the project during the meeting.
After the two meetings parents were pleasantly surprised and shared that they learnt very helpful information. They assure organizers that they would take part in similar events in the future. Weekly Roma mediators visit and talk to parents of children who are subject to compulsory education but for one reason or another do not attend kindergarten. Assistance and support to prepare necessary documents to enroll a child in a kindergarten are given to those parents.